After his last release ‘Hawaii’ was a success featuring in several playlists including ‘New Music Friday AU & NZ’, ‘Urban Flavour’, and celebrated a sold out single launch to top it off, Françoistunes is ready to release his newest single ‘RoséRed’ - a voicing of emotions that are reminiscent of his first love and how he was completely swept up off his feet, feeling “butterflies in his stomach”.
With prominent melodies and a quirky vibe throughout the ‘RoséRed’, Françoistunes describes the track’s sound as a soulful journey laced with a tropical twist to reflect the rose tinted lens he views the story from in hindsight.
“The process was very organic, I made the initial beat with electric piano then one of my friends randomly dropped by the studio by chance and laid some guitar, which surprisingly sparked an emotion within me and the lyrics just poured out after that.” Françoistunes expresses.
Love and romance is sprinkled throughout Françoistunes’ music, however most may not pick up that while it may on the surface seem like he is sharing his vulnerable encounters with others, this is indeed also about his journey of self-love and finding himself through the relationships he experiences.
As Françoistunes keeps putting in the work to make these soulful creations, his music consistently evolves with his growth as an individual and that makes him a powerful force just for that fact alone. With a second EP in mind following up his last project ‘Blue Sky Paradise’ that was released early in 2018, stay tuned to see the impact of Françoistunes’ evolution as he has more to offer the world with his art.